Future of Communication

In my book “Extraterrestrial Communication Code” I offer a theory about our inability to establish communication with extraterrestrials. This despite the overwhelming probability that 1; there is in-fact intelligent life other than humans that exist in the universe and 2; the earth has been visited by many species of extraterrestrials. The book proposes some reasons why we have failed but more importantly, it proposes an experiment, based on the “Scientific Method” in an effort to do something different in our efforts to communicate with extraterrestrials. The book offers a “Back to Basics” approach to the problem.

It is said that those who do not study their own history are doomed to repeat it. Let’s look at how this applies to the history of communication and the future of communication with extraterrestrials throughout the universe.

All of the creatures of earth have a way to communicate with each other in some way shape or form. It is a necessary part of survival. Like species communicate with each other and with other species as well. For example, when a dog bares his teeth at you, folds his ears back and growls at you the message is very clear that the dog is not happy and getting ready to defend and / or attack. This is one obvious and simplistic example of communicating a message in the animal kingdom. With respect to the non-human animal kingdom, the means and methods have been the same for millions of years. There are many examples of human to non-human communication being clear and useful.

Humans, however, have a long history of the desire and ability to develop different means and methods to communicate with each other– especially over long distances. We have failed however, to establish communication with extraterrestrials.

Communication started with guttural noises and body motions / signals back in the beginning of human development. This grew into creating cave drawings to tell a story and leaving certain markings and rock-pile indicators to mark territory from neighboring tribes. The messages were stationary and intended for passer’s by to find and figure out.

Then came the development of language both spoken and written as humans began to advance intellectually. Letters and symbols on stone tablets or carved into structures along with words and sentences that were standardized, taught, and spoken. This is how history began to be recorded.

The purpose of this blog is not to be a lecture on the history of human means and methods of communication so let’s fast forward through smoke signals, flag signals, pen and ink letters / books, Morse code and the telegraph, radio, telephone, television, cellular telephones, and the internet and receiving signals / images back from all of our contraptions in outer space. We can communicate nearly instantly with people on the other side of the world. So, what is next??

My book goes down the road of finding the message left for us to decode, repeating that message, and sending into a “Black Hole” to close the gap of light years to reach extraterrestrials. This new concept makes the most sense to me and is closely linked to the sciences we know (or think we know) today. Its more of a different method of using presumably known information and using  it in a way that has never been tested.

There is another possibility however that is very weird to many of us at this point in our history but to many thousands of people it is very real and has been for centuries. It Involves tapping into another dimension or another “level of consciousness”, the 7 chakras and more specifically the “Third Eye” Chakra (the 6th chakra). I touched upon this in one of my blog posts (January 31, 2021: Methods of Extraterrestrial Communication).

The Pineal Gland, also known as the “Third Eye”. In many cultures all over the world and throughout centuries of history, it is believed to be the window to the soul, our connection to the spirit world, and the window that connects us through prayer to God. 

The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, shaped like a pinecone and located in the exact geometric center of the brain in a tiny cavity behind and above the pituitary gland which is located a little behind the root of the nose. It is located directly behind the eyes and attached to the third ventricle. The pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system. With the exception of the kidneys, it receives the highest blood flow percentage compared to any other area of the body. It produces melatonin and is linked to our body’s perception of light, affecting the regulation of our sleep and wake patterns and seasonal functions. Everyone’s third eye is already active, but most people do not know how to control it. It can be activated by anyone through deep meditation and energy healing techniques. 

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. To function at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced. If they get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

There are seven main chakras that run along your spine. They start at the root, or base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head. The third eye chakra is the Ajna chakra. Wikipedia defines Ajna as follows:

 It is a part of the brain which can be made more powerful through meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices just as a muscle is. In Hindu tradition, it signifies the subconscious mind, the direct link to the brahman. While a person’s two eyes see the physical world, the third eye is believed to reveal insights about the future. The third eye chakra is said to connect people to their intuition, give them the ability to communicate with the world, or help them receive messages from the past and the future.

The third eye chakra is said to be the driver of strong principles, openness, imagination, gut instinct, and intuition. It’s also linked to imagination. The third eye chakra is said to be the source of taking energy. It takes energy from the universe, and it is in the upper part of the body whereas the sex center is the Sacral chakra in the lower part of the body, and it expels energy.

I came across the following 2017 article from Cheryl Costa recently. “Cheryl Costa is a native and resident of upstate New York who saw her first UFO at age 12. A military veteran, she’s a retired information security professional from the aerospace Industry. She’s been a speaker at the International UFO Congress and at the MUFON Symposium. Cheryl writes the UFO column “New York Skies” for SyracuseNewTimes.com. Besides being a journalist, she’s also a published playwright. She holds a bachelor of arts degree from the State University of New York at Empire State College.” Her article is as follows:

In last week’s post, we discussed how electromagnetic signals have been radiated into outer space. Signals that have acted like a beacon, suggesting to anyone who detects them that, “Someone is making noise on this little blue planet.”

The key to UFOs and contact with extraterrestrials, in a word, is “consciousness.” First, let’s discuss some background concepts. I spent seven years in the Buddhist monastic life, so I know a little bit about consciousness. The fundamental principle you must understand is the concept known as the “omni-consciousness.” The omni-consciousness is beyond comprehension, it permeates all things everywhere. Many folks look upon the omni-consciousness as the divine force that is at the core of many spiritual beliefs. 

All living things are part of the omni-consciousness. We, as human beings, with our “dualistic thinking” tend to think that we are separate from the omni-consciousness, but we really aren’t. We, ourselves, like all living things, are connected to the omni-consciousness because we are all a part of the whole. Again, I must empathize this one critical point, the omni-consciousness transcends time, space, vast distances and even dimensions in the multiverse.

People who are adept at deep meditation can usually touch the primordial knowledge and sense of knowing. Think of deep meditation as a way of quieting the day-to-day chatter of our ordinary, conceptual mind. When we can get ourselves into this meditative state of mind, interesting things are possible. Historically mystical practitioners like shamans, monastics and other forms of mystics have been able to reach out and touch “star beings,” as some indigenous tribes call them. Again, the key to this is our connectedness to all other living things though the omni-consciousness.

In recent years, there has been a movement within the experiencer movement (formerly called alien abductees) to reach out and contact extraterrestrial intelligence using altered states of meditative consciousness. There is structured process for this called the “CE-5 Protocols.” CE-5 stands for “close encounters five.”

Let’s take a moment and discuss the meaning of close encounters. The late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, as a UFO investigator, developed an original system back in the 1970s for describing and ranking various levels of contact with extraterrestrials and their occupants. The CE system takes into account distance and other special features related to the close encounter.

Dr. Hynek’s original system had three categories:

  • Close encounters of the first kind:Strange objects seen nearby with no physical interaction with the environment.
  • Close encounters of the second kind:Strange objects leaves physical evidence; for example, depressions in the soil, damage to vegetation, trace, or elevated radiation signatures, and perhaps some form of electromagnetic effect or interference.
  • Close encounters of the third kind:Cases where occupants or entities are seen.

Much later, Dr. Hynek established a fourth category.

  • Close encounters of the fourth kind: Deals with cases where witnesses experience lost time and perhaps feels as though they were abducted. This is also considered extraterrestrial initiated contact with humans.

In 1990, Dr. Steven M. Greer, a retired American medical doctor and Ufologist, founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). It was through Dr. Greer’s efforts that a close encounter of the fifth kind, or CE-5, term was established.


  • Close encounters of the fifth kind:CE-5 is characterized as human-initiated, mutual contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence through bilateral communication.

It should be pointed out that the first four CE categories are more or less passive in terms of the human observer interaction. CE-5 is unique in that it is a premeditated and human-initiated. How is this done? Certainly not with a radio apparatus or traditional physics-based technology.

This CE-5 effort is accomplished using deep states of consciousness. It doesn’t involve intoxicants of any sort. In fact, use of such substances is considered detrimental to the CE-5 exercise and are therefore banned from CE-5 events.

I realize some might think that attempting to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence using the mind and directed conscious sounds ridiculous. But consider this: Have you never had a personal flash of extrasensory perception, experienced a mom’s intuition, been guided through a remote viewing exercise, or experienced a sense of peace and profound knowing from practicing deep mediation or prayer?

The evidence suggests that it’s real. The truth has everything to do with UFOs and making contact with extraterrestrials has to do with consciousness. It’s about practicing the art of quieting one’s mind, being at peace and reaching out with one’s heart to contact an extraterrestrial intelligence.

Dr. Greer and CE-5 regional associates have established a formal set of processes and protocols for preparing and performing a CE-5 event. The CE-5 folks I have conferred with tell me that CE-5 is a practical contact modality. They say that contact has been achieved in a real sense using the consciousness approach. Using CE-5 protocols in concert with meditation, and an attitude of positive intentions.

The CE-5 effort is a grass roots effort, and it is growing. At present, the majority of the people working at national-, regional- and local-level CE-5 contact efforts are experiencers — people who have previously had contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. – End Article

Wow – that’s pretty heavy stuff but is it crazy stuff?

As an engineer for nearly 30 years and a devout Christian, I often find myself grappling with the subject of extraterrestrial existence, purpose, intent and how to establish communication with at least one species of extraterrestrial of which I suspect there must be many. Now I am beginning to explore the possibility of this CE-5 approach in conjunction with the 6th Chakra called the Ajna chakra or Third eye. Uncharted territory for me but there are a lot of well-educated and deeply religious people on this earth that believe in it without hesitation or reservation. They can’t all be wrong. What are your thoughts?

We look forward to any thoughts and opinions you would like to share with us here at the Extraterrestrial Communication Group. Thanks for spending some time with us.

Stephen J. Silva